Stronger together
Little do we realize how much we get to know ourselves just by being open to new interactions and new experiences. The Erasmus+ program “Act-No-React”, organized by Gamma Institute just reminded me of that!
I travelled very little in my life up until this point; this had me rather limited with my social and intercultural interactions. The program had 21 participants from 7 countries from the European Union. I was overwhelmed by the beautiful and colorful personalities of the people I met in this program and I am so grateful for the opportunity of getting to know their stories. While talking to them I managed to see similarities between us and found experiences within my life that were alike.

We talked about bullying - as an issue in our countries and we were shocked to see how much this concerns all of us. We looked at the actors involved in bullying, we shared our personal experiences - when we were witnesses, victims, bullies, how this impacted us in our educational system and even in our families. We also had a look on a deeper level and brought some awareness to our own thoughts and how we bully ourselves..
Even if we have different backgrounds and life experiences, it seems that somehow we face similar problems within our societies. As we presented our perspectives of bullying in our countries, I could notice how our inner sense of justice got triggered and how something just activated within ourselves - the will to leave our differences aside and fight together to prevent this issue from happening again. I could see the impact this new awareness just brought to us - I could feel the momentum driving us towards action!

We organized demos of workshops - where we had the occasion to step in! We put all our resources together and brought our creativity into play. We came up with powerful exercises that are meant to educate and empower individuals of all ages. We managed to demonstrate just how much you can impact the environment around you once you make a change within yourself.
After a week of continuous learning and interactions, we departed transformed! The experiences we had are always there to remind us just how much we can accomplish together. We left with a mission to spread awareness and empowerment in the environment around us. Now we know that we can make a difference. Now we know that we have a voice!
Bety Hapau
Psychotherapist in Training by Gamma Institute
(RO) Mai puternici împreună
Este dificil sa ne dam seama cat de mult reusim sa ne cunoastem pe noi insine doar prin simpla atitudine de deschidere catre interactiuni si experiente noi. Programul “Act-no-React!” din Erasmus+, organizat de Gamma Institute mi-a reamintit cu placere despre asta.
Am calatorit foarte putin in viata mea pana in punctul acesta; acest fapt m-a limitat in interactiunile mele sociale si interculturale. Programul a avut 21 de participati din 7 tari din Uniunea Europeana. Am fost coplesita de personalitatile frumoase si colorate ale oamenilor pe care i-am intalnit in acest program si sunt foarte recunoscatoare pentru oportunitatea de a le auzi povestile de viata. In timp ce vorbeam cu ei am reusit sa vad similitudini intre noi si am gasit chiar si in viata mea experiente asemanatoare.

Am vorbit despre fenomenul de “bullying” - ca o problema intalnita in tarile noastre - si am fost socati sa aflam cat de mult ne afecteaza pe noi toti. Am privit la actorii implicati in fenomenul de “bullying”, ne-am impartasit propriile experiente - cand am fost martori, victime sau agresori, cum ne-a impactat existenta acestui fenomen atat in sistemul educational cat si in cel familial. Am privit chiar si la un nivel mai profund si am constientizat gandurile noastre care ne determina sa ne agresam pe noi insine..
Chiar daca am crescut in medii total diferite si am trecut prin alte experiente, se pare ca ne confruntam cu probleme similare in societatile noastre. In timp ce prezentam cu totii perspectivele asupra fenomenului de “bullying” in tarile noastre, am observat la cei din jurul meu cum simtul interior pentru justitie a fost declansat in noi si cum ceva s-a activat - o dorinta de a depasi diferentele noastre si de a lupta impreuna pentru a preveni acest fenomen. Puteam sa vad foarte clar impactul acestei constientizari - si simteam intens prezenta impulsului catre actiune!

Am organizat mici ateliere de dezvoltare personala - unde am avut ocazia sa intervenim! Ne-am adunat toate resursele impreuna si ne-am pus creativitatea la joaca. Am inventat exercitii de impact menite sa educe si sa declanseze puterea interioara in indivizi de toate varstele. Am reusit sa ne demonstram cat de mult putem impacta mediul inconjurator odata ce facem o schimbare in interiorul nostru.
Dupa o saptamana de interactiuni si de invatare continua, am plecat de acolo transformati! Experientele pe care le-am avut sunt mereu acolo pentru a ne aminti cat de multe putem realiza impreuna. Am plecat de acolo cu o misiune: aceea de a-i face si pe ceilalti din mediul nostru sa fie constienti si sa isi foloseasca puterea interioara. Acum stim ca putem face o schimbare care sa se simta. Acum stim ca vocea noastra conteaza!
Bety Hapau
Psihoterapeut sistemic in formare by Gamma Institute