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Train your Dragon - International Seminar for Youth Workers

Diana Ciubotaru

We invite you in Iasi (Romania), on 16-22 september 2018, to participate on an International Seminar adressed to youth workers from Romania, Portugal, Italy, Spain and Poland.

"Train your Dragon: Thinking, playing, acting metaphors for change in youth" project is a project with 2 youth workers mobilities (international seminars – in Romania and Portugal), taking place for a period of one year, with the collaboration of 5 partner organizations from 5 European countries (Romania, Poland, Italy, Portugal and Spain). The main purpose of this project is to improve the quality of the activities made by the youth workers from the 5 partner countries in their work with heterogeneous youth groups which come from different educational and cultural backgrounds through a non-formal learning method – therapeutic metaphor - a method that strengthens the main message and facilitates the change at a profound level.


  • Developing the skills of 36 youth workers in the use of therapeutic metaphor in the personal development activities of young people from different cultural and socio-economic backgrounds inside two international seminars (youth workers mobility) in Romania and Portugal;

  • Improving the quality of youth workers' work by developing a working guide with youth groups from different socio-economic, cultural and educational backgrounds and a collection of therapeutic metaphors to help youth workers in working with young people;

Participants profile:

  • Age over 18

  • Experience as youth worker (professional or volunteer)

  • Motivation to participate

  • English language skills

  • Have socio-human or related studies: psychology, sociology, letters, arts, nursing - social relations, international relations, etc

  • Is resident in the country of the organization he/she represent


The activities will consist of a training phase in which facilitators (a psychotherapist and a Salto trainer specialized in group dynamics) will prepare the details of the exercises in the two mobilities and will document the traditional use of metaphors in each partner country, two youth workers' mobility, in the form of International Seminars (with 18 youth workers, 3 from each organization) of 5 days, when they will be working on the adaptation of the therapeutic metaphor to the activities with the youth groups from different socio-economic, cultural and educational backgrounds. Behind these seminars, a good practice guide will be developed, in which it will be described a theoretical part of metaphor efficiency and a collection of metaphors and therapeutic stories suited for specific issues of young people (choosing a career, leaving home, self-inner strength discovery, anxiety difficulties, depression, eating disorders, addictions etc.).

Train your Dragon - International Seminar in Iasi, 16 - 22.09.2018


Hotel Arnia, Iasi, Romania:


Diana Laura Ciubotaru - Is the main psychologist, specialized in systemic family and couple psychotherapy with experience in psychological practice over 20 years, didactic and academic experience and 12-year NGO coordination. Diana is also founder president of the "Gamma Institute" since 2011 and trainer supervisor at Systemic Training School, nationally accredited as a training provider by CPR, and is the creator of a personal development school - the "Self Reconstruction" where she runs projects, conferences, courses and workshops for transformation / learning and personal development.

Antonio Gomes - He was one of the founders of Check-IN Association in 2010 and at the moment is the president. He is currently coordinating a European mobility project for youth and adults education. Antonio is in the pool of trainers of the Portuguese National Agency and a Multiplier for Eurodesk. Full-time Trainer, national and internationally, especially on Project Management, Project Design, European Volunteer Service, Volunteering, Facilitation, European Projects planning, Learning to learn, Team building and other topics.



IASI, Sos. Nicolina, nr. 1, bl. 928B, sc. A, et. 1, ap. 1, interfon 01


Tel: +40 741 093 131

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